
Showing posts from 2020

Introduction Of Dr Syed Adnan Hasan Sami

Dr, Syed Adnan Hasan Sami Home   Dr, Syed Adnan Hasan Sami DR, SYED ADNAN HASAN SAMI Started assisting his father in his clinic since a very young age. When he was doing his matriculation. He got his clinical training from his father for 4 years. After his father  Dr, Syed Zahoor-ul-Hasan Sami’s  Death in 3 rd  August 1988, his able and dedicated son  Syed Adnan Hasan Sami  took over his place. Under the able guidance of his father  Dr, Syed Adnan Hasan Sami  proved himself as a true heir and trustworthy successor. A small tree of Sami Homeo Clinic planted late  Dr, Syed Zahoor-ul-Hasan Sami  has become a strong and wide-branched tree having a stout stem. Homeopathic Doctor Syed Adnan Hasan Sami is one of the Best Homeopathic Doctor in Pakistan. Dr.  Sami has successfully treated Thousands of patient all over Pakistan. He currently practices Homeopathy and other alternative medicine (Chromopathy, Astrology, P...

